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ICC Evaluation Unit

The ICC Evaluation Unit provides a range of services from programme and intervention focused evaluations to evaluation methods training and in-house consultancy across a wide range of issues.


Drawing on the expertise of UEL academics from a diverse range of subject areas, we have a strong record of high-quality evaluation research utilising a range of qualitative and quantitative methods including:


  • Innovative digital evaluation methods such as online focus groups and depth interviews

  • Evaluation research into complex interventions

  • Evaluation, single and mixed methods study designs

  • Evaluation methods In-house training

  • Evaluation consultancy 

  • Evaluation ethics in research and GDPR


We can provide a range of expertise and advice on evaluation research design and the dissemination of findings to different stakeholders.


We offer the follow internal evaluation services to UEL staff:


  • Brokering evaluation and consultancy tenders

  • Evaluation clinic provision to help with research design to help identify funding source and quality check application

  • Provision to support registration onto Vertigo Venturs

  • Provision to provide an evaluation exchange between suppliers and providers through the ICC evaluation unit

  • Provision to collaborate, scope, co-plan, cost, co-develop, co-deliver as well as monitor and develop the findings of research - evaluative to lay and professional partners

  • Provision in research-evaluative skills and methods training

  • Provision for undergraduates and postgraduates to get involved in real world evaluations


We offer the following evaluation services to external clients:


  • Evaluation clinic

  • Provision to collaborate, scope, co-plan, cost, co-develop, co-deliver as well as monitor and develop the findings of research - evaluative to lay and professional partners

  • Provision for evaluative-research consultancy

  • Provision to mentor and run timetabled-CPD training in evaluative research skills and methods

  • Pool of researchers, lectures and students to support evaluations

  • Provision in thought leadership (e.g. access to experts in your selected field)

  • Provision to collaborate to jointly bid for and/or tender for rapid research-evaluation projects

  • Public engagement roadshow and internal outreach (including promotional materials)


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