Our vision is to be at the forefront of research into the human aspects of cybercrime and online harms, and to contribute to community and social wellbeing – locating the Institute for Connected Communities (ICC) at the centre of community and international research in the offline and online spheres.
Our aims are:
to be an international, networked institute in the heart of London, conducting high-quality theoretical, empirical and applied research focusing upon issues of safety and security, such as adult and child harms (offline and online), crime and cybercrime, effective policing, and other wellbeing and health themes, from a multidisciplinary perspective
to promote evidence-based policies and practices for health and wellbeing on individual, community and society levels
uniquely, to focus upon the intersection between online and offline criminality, exploring pathways into crime, including the context in which cybercrime occurs across policy, regulatory, legal frameworks and risk
to provide excellent research-informed teaching and training
Our growth has largely been driven by external research income generation, with large grants from:
National Institute for Health Research (NIHR)
Wellcome Trust
Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)
Big Lottery
Guttman Academic Partnership hosted by UCL Partners
EU (Safer Internet; ISEC and currently H2020)
Funders, clients and collaborators include:
5Rights, The DCMS, OFCOM, End Violence Against Children, the Home Office, Europol Cybercrime Centre, Interpol, Metropolitan Police, Norfolk Police, Paladin Capitol Group, the UN ITU, NICE, WHO, US Sentencing Commission, US Dept of Justice, Newham CCG, UCL Partners, North Thames CLAHRC, London Borough of Newham, Public Health England, Public Health Wales, Metropolitan Housing Trust , Tower Hamlets Council Public Health, Greater London Authority, Newham Citizens, and North East London Foundation Trust (NELFT).